Version 1.1 released!

Tales From The Labyrinth has now been updated to version 1.1 and this release contains a few small improvements to make the game more enjoyable:

-There is no longer a pause delay when you pick up an item. The message will still display telling you what you have picked up, but you will be able to move again instantly, instead of having to wait for the message to disappear before being able to move on. The delay has also been removed when displaying the 'inventory full' message if you stand on an item but do not have the space available to pick it up. This improves the flow of the game, making your journeys around the labyrinth much more smooth.

-A new 'Swap' option has been added to the item actions in the inventory: previously if you stood on an item but did not have the space for it in your inventory, you would  have to move to an empty tile, drop another item and then move back on to the first tile to pick that item up. Now instead when you stand on an item you can select an item from your inventory and select the 'Swap' option to swap it for the item you are stood on. Using the 'Swap' option reduces the need for extra turns being wasted when trying to pick up the items you want.

-The scrolling text intro sequence has been removed from start-up but is still viewable from the options menu.

I hope you all enjoy the new version and that these changes make your adventures in the labyrinth even more fun! 

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